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Are You Falling into the Probity Provider Trap?

May 2, 2024

In 2019, an NSW Auditor General's report shed light on a concerning trend: government agencies were overly reliant on a handful of probity service providers, potentially compromising the independence crucial to fair and transparent processes. Notwithstanding this concern being raised five years ago, the risk persists, and it’s time to address it head-on.

The report revealed that agencies, including heavyweights like Transport for NSW and the NSW Department of Education, repeatedly engaged the same probity practitioners, raising serious concerns about independence and impartiality.

Consistent with the NSW Procurement Board’s Direction PBD-2013-05 and the NSW Procurement Policy Framework, the AG’s report reinforced that agencies must, when engaging probity advisors or auditors:

  • be satisfied the engagement will not create a real or perceived conflict of interest arising from this or other work being performed by the probity advisor/auditor;
  • ensure probity advisers/auditors remain independent and objective by not engaging the same probity advisors on an ongoing basis or serial basis over several related or unrelated issues.

Using the same providers time and again not only limits choice but also stifles innovation and competitive pricing.

Enter Centium, a trusted alternative probity supplier.  We pride ourselves on a tailored,  agile approach and competitive pricing that does not compromise quality or service.

Why Choose Centium?

Pre-qualified Vendor: Centium is a prequalified probity supplier under the Performance and Management Services Scheme SCM0005. All of our team members are approved Probity Advisors under NSW Treasury’s Approved Probity Services Personnel Scheme.

Personalised Attention: Centium takes the time to understand the unique needs and challenges of each organisation, ensuring a customised approach that delivers maximum value.

Diverse Expertise: Our team comprises approved probity advisors who have worked extensively with private sector, NSW Government, Local Government and Australian Government clients providing independent assurance on wide-ranging procurement, major project and Board appointment activities. Our legally qualified staff have assisted our diverse client base  on matters including complex construction, divestments, major ICT & human services system upgrades, unsolicited proposals and direct dealings. We also have particular expertise in advising our clients on all elements of the administration of  grants programs, including major infrastructure reconstruction initiatives.

Solutions Focused: Centium’s probity advisors are focused on upholding probity principles while finding pragmatic solutions and pathways for the most efficient and effective path for decision-making.

Transparency and Integrity: We prioritise transparency in all our dealings, maintaining the highest standards of integrity to safeguard your project's probity.

Innovation Through Competition: By fostering a competitive landscape, we drive innovation and deliver cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.

If you are interested in hearing more about our probity services, contact Lisa Braid at 0424 379 563.

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