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Business Continuity & Recovery for International Trade Post-COVID19

July 27, 2020

From: Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) / Australian Peak Shippers (APSA) Association Weekly Report 2020/29

Centium is assisting (FTA)/APSA members to achieve business continuity in international trade in the Post-COVID 19 world.

Sustainable businesses need to anticipate and adapt to continuous change. This entails preparing for and being well placed to quickly recover from present and possible threats and disruption.

Recent events have shown that organisations must adapt to a world that has changed in ways and on a scale that we never could have earlier imagined. Businesses need to become more agile and find new ways of thinking and behaving so they can readily adapt to this dynamic environment.

Some food for thought:

Do you have systems and processes in place to recover all of your company equipment as staff start returning to the office (e.g. computers, monitors, laptops, etc.)?
How are you maintaining contact with your staff to ensure that they are well and remain on-task? Ongoing isolation from the workplace could result in mistakes, lapses in productivity and absenteeism.
How are you maintaining oversight over company purchasing, procurement, payroll expenses, payables, receivables, etc., if everybody is working from home?
What lessons have you learned from the COVID-19 experience? How are you going to adapt to new ways of working that blend working from the "office" and home?
If there was another major incident in six-twelve months' time, have you developed and documented a business continuity framework that factors in lessons learnt and ensures a rapid response?

Don't let lack of planning and preparation cause you delays next time! Centium can help you to identify your risks and develop practical solutions to minimise costs to your business.

Centium has formed a strategic alliance with Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) to assist importers, exporters and international logistics providers in implementing best practice business operations, including business continuity.

Importantly, Centium’s support services ideally place businesses involved in global trade to obtain and / or and retain accreditation to the Australian Trusted Trader (ATT) program.  Centium has developed a facilitated Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) that enables entities wishing to be accredited by the ABF to undertake a pre-accreditation.

We also provide business continuity, IT disaster recovery and cyber security services to a range of organisations.
