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Cyber Security & Information Management

Innovative Cyber Security & Information Management solutions delivered by cyber professionals who go beyond the norm

Cyber security, IT continuity and information management are critical priorities for every organisation.  Effective governance, risk management, assurance and expert advice enables organisations to confidently get on with the business of doing business.

Our Cyber, IT and Information Management professionals have been selected for their experience, flexibility and passion for client service. We are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations in all aspects of our services.

We continually train our people to stay current in these quickly evolving times, to have the courage to think and act differently and challenge the status quo. We encourage our team to be curious, to remain up-to-date and to search for better methods and innovative solutions.  Our team go above and beyond in managing our clients’ information management and cyber security requirements.

Centium offers an independent perspective.  One of our key differentiators is our approach to cyber security and information management engagements.  We listen and take the time to translate seemingly complex technical concepts into practical solutions.


IM Risk Management & Cyber Assurance

Centium has extensive experience partnering with clients to raise cyber security awareness, identify and manage cyber and IT risks, and build resilience.  Our team members are highly skilled at translating technical concepts into practical plans and procedures.  We also have a proven track record facilitating scenario tests that enable organisations to quickly realise and address gaps in existing planning documents.

How we can help:

  • Cyber Security Framework Development
  • Business & IT Security Risk Management
  • Vendor / Supplier Risk Assessments
  • Cyber Incident Response Planning
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • IT Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Cyber Awareness Training

Centium’s Lead Auditors and Cyber Specialists work closely with our clients to provide independent and objective assurance that improve IT operations and outcomes. We do this by identifying and evaluating risks, controls, governance processes and opportunities for improvement.   Our team members are experienced, professionally qualified, and hold a range of certifications against recognised standards.  We also undertaken numerous assessments against Government cyber security requirements and the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight.

Our audit and assurance offerings include:

  • IT Governance audits
  • Cyber Security audits
  • ISO 27001 internal and external audits
  • IT Project audits (pre, during, post-evaluation)
  • NSW Cyber Security Policy (NSW CSP)
  • Victorian Protective Data Security Framework
  • CPS234 – Information Security
  • CPS231 – Outsourcing
  • CPS232 – Business Continuity
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)
  • Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) Assessments
  • Electricity Distribution Network Operator License Conditions (IPART)

IM Advisory & Capacity Building

We are Cyber and IM specialists with a breadth of experience across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.  We partner with better practice organisations and are passionate about sharing our knowledge and experience to build capacity amongst our clients.  Our team are adept at supporting clients to develop frameworks, plans, documentation and roadmaps that are aligned with relevant industry standards.  We are also available to assist clients with “mock audits” prior to external validation and can arrange to be “on hand” during external audits to provide technical support.

How we can help:

  • Understanding and developing Cyber Security Frameworks, strategies & roadmaps
  • Cyber awareness and training packages
  • Payment Card Industry assurance & support
  • ISO 27001 interpretation and certification preparation
  • IT Security Policies & Procedures
  • NSW Cyber Security Policy & Essential Eight advisory and assurance
  • Victorian Protective Data Security Framework advisory and assurance
  • Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) assurance and auditing.

Technical Assurance & Vulnerability Assessment

We are experts in undertaking vulnerability scans and penetration tests of networks, systems, web applications, cloud deployments and more.

Our service offerings include:

  • Phishing Campaigns
  • Vulnerability Assessments
  • Web Application Penetration Testing
  • External Penetration Testing
  • Internal Penetration Testing
  • Wireless (WIFI) Testing
  • Red Teaming
  • SCADA Penetration Testing
  • Secure Code Review
  • Physical Testing and Social Engineering

IM Disaster Recovery

We are experts in designing an IT disaster recovery plan that allows you to efficiently recover from a disaster and return stability and control to your business.

Our service offerings include:

  • Threat and Risk Assessment
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • IT Disaster Recovery Plans
  • Cyber Incident Response Planning
  • Training your team in how to prepare, enact and update the plans
  • Scenario testing

Information & Privacy Management

Organisations and agencies have a legal, ethical and reputational obligation to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal information that they hold.  All organisations are responsible for protecting client information and maintaining secure records of their operations and decisions.  Apart from doing the right thing by their clients, it’s simply good business for agencies to ensure appropriate information management systems and controls are in place and regularly tested.

How we can help:

  • Privacy Risk Assessments
  • Privacy Management Planning
  • User Access Controls
  • Data integrity and Quality reviews
  • Privacy Impact Assessments (e.g. Privacy Act, NSW PPIP Act, NSW HRIP Act).

Our Clients
