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Gifts & Benefits: An Ethical Dilemma

December 7, 2023

The festive season has arrived: end of year celebrations, lunches, dinners, drinks, gifts. Can you have it all?

Navigating professional relationships and managing conflict of interest, particularly in the public sector, is paramount. Receiving and giving gifts and benefits is a common practice at this time of year, and its intersection with probity issues is of relevant importance.

Probity matters that might arise within this context are:

  • Conflict of Interest [actual or perceived]
  • Impartiality and potential favouritism
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Lack of transparency.

Gifts and benefits policies offer great guidance to staff and stakeholders in relation to the ethical matters to consider in a professional setting, serving as a shield against improper behaviour. The key components of an effective gifts and benefits policy include:

  • Clear definition of acceptable gifts
  • Monetary thresholds
  • Disclosure requirements
  • Gifts & Benefits register
  • Consequences for non-compliance.

Integrating probity principles into your Gifts & Benefits Policy supports ethical and robust decision making.

Does your organisation have a Gifts & Benefits Policy? Is it customized to your work environment and cover all potential scenarios?

Further Information?

If you would like to explore how Centium can help your organisation enhance its probity posture, please reach out to Joan Cavalieri, Director Probity & Ethics on Email: joan.cavalieri@centium.com.au.

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