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Support for New Mayors – Independent expert advice to meet the demands of a new role

September 24, 2020

Mayoral elections must be held this month for Mayors elected in September 2018. While many incumbent Mayors will be re-elected, newly elected Mayors may face a steep learning curve. A one year term across 2020-21 will have its leadership challenges, including the runup to elections in September 2021. Council needs to ensure that elected members have the skills and expertise required to fulfil their roles, and independent expert advisors can provide them with neutral, high quality advice. Does your Mayor:

  • Understand the new Code of Conduct and the practical implications for their themselves and their Councillors?
  • Use the Code of Meeting Practice provisions confidently to simultaneously chair meetings and engage in debate?
  • Articulate their Council performance goals through the General Manager’s contract and IP&R documents?
  • Have a solid grasp of relevant legislation in the areas of finance, governance and planning?
  • Shape and deliver their messages to the community with style and strategy?
  • Maintain a strategic community governance focus while staying out of day to day operations?

A Challenging Role
Mayors have an important role in leading the Council and the community to achieve outcomes for their local areas. They need skills and expertise in a range of fields in order to be effective:

About Centium
Centium’s expert advisors can support your Mayors with the challenges of their role. We have a highly skilled, experienced and multi-faceted team of local government, governance and compliance specialists who can provide newly elected Mayors with advice and support to achieve their agendas.

Our advisory service will be tailored to the needs and interests of your Mayor, we can provide you with a fixed quote or by the hour, and our experts can work remotely or travel to your Council:

Chris Wheeler
Expertise: Ethical conduct
Previous Experience: NSW Deputy Ombudsman

Elizabeth Wall
Expertise: Code of meeting practice
Previous Experience: Senior Manager Governance (various councils)

Sarah Artist
Expertise: Strategy and performance
Previous Experience: Local Government NSW and UTS Centre for Local Government

Simone Schwarz
Expertise: Community and communications
Previous Experience: Senior Manager Community (various councils)

For further information or to discuss your Mayor’s requirements please contact Sarah Artist – Manager Strategy and Engagement on 0409 830 283 or sarah.artist@centium.com.au

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