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July 11, 2016
Victorian Protective Data Security Framework (VPDSF)

The Victorian Government has issued the Victorian Protective Data Security Framework (VPDSF) that will require agency heads to attest to their compliance with the minimum info sec standards each year. Under the framework, central government agencies will have two years to conduct a risk profile assessment of their own level of vulnerability and write a […]

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June 24, 2016
Human Resources Services

  HR can be a complex and high-risk area within an organisation. Centium specialises in a full range of HR services for private and public sector organisations. Our consultants are qualified to advise on: Organisational Development and Change Management Performance Management HR Legislative Compliance and Health Checks Government Sector Employment Reforms Work Health & Safety Operational […]

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June 6, 2016
TC16-06 Agency guidelines for the 2015-16 Mandatory Annual Returns to Treasury

From 1 June 2016 NSW public sector agencies, including State Owned Corporations are required to comply with new guidelines for Annual Returns to Treasury set out in TC16-06. The guidelines are mandatory for all NSW public sector agencies, including State Owned Corporations that are required to submit TOES returns.  The guidelines set out Treasury’s requirements for the […]

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June 3, 2016
Centium listed on Local Government Amalgamation Panel

The NSW Government is transforming the system of local government to ensure that councils are ready to deliver the quality services and infrastructure that communities deserve. The NSW Premier Mike Baird and the Minister for Local Government Paul Toole have announced 19 new councils will be created in NSW. We are pleased to advise that […]

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April 30, 2016
New Premier's Circular on Information Security

The NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet has released a new Circular regarding information security for Ministers, Ministers’ staff, Department Secretaries and Senior Executives when travelling overseas. The Circular aims to protect digital information, NSW Government IT networks and the reputation of the NSW Government. C2016-04 was released on the 22nd April 2016 and is mandatory for all […]

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April 9, 2016
NSW Government Approved Procurement Arrangements

From 1 July 2016 NSW Government departments and agencies will be required to comply with new Procurement Arrangements.  The  Procurement Arrangements provide a framework for NSW Government to achieve value for money from their procurement of goods and services whilst being fair, ethical and transparent.   The Procurement Arrangements are mandatory for all government departments and […]

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March 15, 2016
NSW Government Program Evaluation Guidelines

The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet has released its latest requirements on program evaluation (Circular C16-01).  Cluster agencies are now required to submit Annual Evaluation Schedules for approval by the Expenditure Review Committee.  The results of all evaluations are to be made public and to be submitted to Treasury’s Centre for Program Evaluation. Are you […]

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March 7, 2016
Annual Report Preparation

Annual reporting is fast approaching and the significant changes in 2015-16 may have resulted in your in-house talent unavailable for this time critical project. Centium of course can assist. We have expertise with 15+ years of Annual Reporting experience in large, geographically dispersed Government agencies including those in regulatory environments undergoing major change. Call us now […]

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March 3, 2016
Guidance Paper for Councils

The Department of Premier & Cabinet has released a Guidance Paper to assist Local Councils and their staff to prepare for a potential merger. The document provides guidance only. While recognising no decision has been made on any merger proposal, the paper suggests that Councils may individually begin preparing for a potential merger or, ideally, together with other Councils […]

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March 1, 2016
Financial Reporting Code and Circular for NSW General Government Sector Entities

NSW Treasury has issued TPP 15-04 'Financial Reporting Code for NSW General Government Sector Entities'. The Code sets out the financial reporting framework for NSW General Government Sector (GGS) entities and outlines the form and content of financial statements, including their accompanying notes and disclosures. The Code applies to all NSW GGS entities from the 30 June […]

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February 4, 2016
Centium Attains Registered Tax Agent Accreditation

Centium now holds accreditation as a registered Tax Agent with the Tax Practitioners Board. This enables us to provide clients with a full suite of tax related services, including comprehensive tax compliance assurance reviews and more limited health checks covering Income Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax, GST, Pay as You Go obligations, Payroll Tax and Superannuation Guarantee. […]

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December 18, 2015
TPP15-04 Financial Reporting Code for NSW General Government Sector Entities

The Treasury (NSW) has issued TPP15-04 that sets out the financial reporting framework for NSW General Government Sector entities. It outlines the form and content of financial statements, including the accompanying note disclosures. It applies to all NSW General Government Sector entities from the financial year ending on or after 30 June 2016 and incorporates the requirements of Australian Accounting Standards […]

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