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March 7, 2016
Annual Report Preparation

Annual reporting is fast approaching and the significant changes in 2015-16 may have resulted in your in-house talent unavailable for this time critical project. Centium of course can assist. We have expertise with 15+ years of Annual Reporting experience in large, geographically dispersed Government agencies including those in regulatory environments undergoing major change. Call us now […]

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March 3, 2016
Guidance Paper for Councils

The Department of Premier & Cabinet has released a Guidance Paper to assist Local Councils and their staff to prepare for a potential merger. The document provides guidance only. While recognising no decision has been made on any merger proposal, the paper suggests that Councils may individually begin preparing for a potential merger or, ideally, together with other Councils […]

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March 1, 2016
Financial Reporting Code and Circular for NSW General Government Sector Entities

NSW Treasury has issued TPP 15-04 'Financial Reporting Code for NSW General Government Sector Entities'. The Code sets out the financial reporting framework for NSW General Government Sector (GGS) entities and outlines the form and content of financial statements, including their accompanying notes and disclosures. The Code applies to all NSW GGS entities from the 30 June […]

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February 4, 2016
Centium Attains Registered Tax Agent Accreditation

Centium now holds accreditation as a registered Tax Agent with the Tax Practitioners Board. This enables us to provide clients with a full suite of tax related services, including comprehensive tax compliance assurance reviews and more limited health checks covering Income Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax, GST, Pay as You Go obligations, Payroll Tax and Superannuation Guarantee. […]

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December 18, 2015
TPP15-04 Financial Reporting Code for NSW General Government Sector Entities

The Treasury (NSW) has issued TPP15-04 that sets out the financial reporting framework for NSW General Government Sector entities. It outlines the form and content of financial statements, including the accompanying note disclosures. It applies to all NSW General Government Sector entities from the financial year ending on or after 30 June 2016 and incorporates the requirements of Australian Accounting Standards […]

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December 16, 2015
Intellectual Property Management in NSW Government

The need to manage Intellectual Property (IP) effectively has been recognised as an issue by both the public and private sectors. The Intellectual Property Management Framework for the NSW Public Sector has been developed to assist agencies for this purpose. Like all governments, the NSW Government generates and manages a considerable amount of IP whether in […]

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December 9, 2015
Documenting a Delegations of Authority

It is good governance to clarify and document the Delegations of Authority that apply within your organisation. A documented delegation helps employees to understand their authority to make decisions, including commitments to expenditure, on behalf of your entity. The Governance Institute has developed a new Good Governance Guide on things to consider when developing a Delegations of Authority. It covers important […]

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December 8, 2015
Aussie Hacks in the Past Few Months

'Tis the season .... to be vigilant. There have been a number of high profile IT and information security breaches over the past few months involving Aussie businesses and websites. The four most significant of which have been: Kmart: Kmart revealed it had discovered customer data had been stolen by external attackers on the 1st October […]

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December 3, 2015
NSW Auditor-General's Report Vol 9

The Acting NSW Auditor-General, Tony Whitfield, has released his Volume Nine 2015 Report re the Department of Planning and Environment. A summary of the key points are as follows: Financial management: Some agencies in the Planning and Environment cluster undertake limited analysis of financial performance and sustainability. In addition, most cluster agencies recorded material variances between actual and […]

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November 13, 2015
The Commonwealth Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy

The Australian Public Service Commission has updated the Implementation Guide to the Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy which aims to build the representation of Indigenous employees in the Commonwealth public sector. The Strategy supports the Government's target of three per cent Indigenous representation by 2018 and focuses on four key action areas: Expand the range of Indigenous employment […]

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November 10, 2015
APSC Workplace Bargaining Policy 2015

The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has issued a new Workplace Bargaining Policy to guide agencies on the implementation of terms and conditions of employment across the Australian Public Service (APS). It applies to the APS and non-APS Australian Government entities, including Members of Parliament's staff and Government Business Enterprises. It does not apply to the Australian Defence Force. […]

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