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October 17, 2022
10 Steps to Help Simplify Grants Management

The 2022 Review of Grants Administration in NSW has made recommendations to improve grants delivery. We have summarised the review’s findings into the following essential tips that should be adopted by Agency staff when designing grants programs.

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August 25, 2022
9 Common Cyber Security Gaps within NSW Councils

Read more on how Centium has undertaken cyber security health check assessments for six NSW Local Councils, shining a light on the common gaps many of them have.

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August 1, 2022
Improving Councils’ Financial Management and Sustainability

Centium has been working with several Council clients in recent months to help them address financial sustainability issues. This work has covered finance and budget training for new Councillors and executive and management staff, support to shape and improve workforce and long-term financial plans, and the preparation of a rating strategy and community engagement required for a Special Rate Variation.

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June 8, 2022
Are you CSP (cyber security) ready?

By 31 October, agencies must submit a report to their cluster CISO, or Cyber Security NSW. This includes an assessment against the mandatory requirements of the CSP and a maturity assessment against the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) Essential 8.

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May 19, 2022
Why compliance audits could improve the way you do business

All businesses are required to comply with rules and regulations, including, for example, taxation and superannuation rules, employee entitlements, health and safety legislation, public health orders, etc. The risk of non-compliance ranges from legal and financial penalties, status loss (registration, licence, etc.) to loss of reputation, which in turn could adversely impact business relationships and […]

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May 16, 2022
Supporting Local Councillors – What can be learnt from post-election interviews

 Local Councillors play a fundamental role at the community level in our democracy. They participate in shaping the places they live in and act in the best interest of their communities. In so doing, they come to understand the most difficult and most critical pressures facing their communities. Local Government is often a training ground […]

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April 13, 2022
Centium to offer broader service range through strategic alliance with CT Management Group

We're thrilled to announce our strategic alliance with CT Management Group (CTMG), one of Australia’s most trusted providers of local government professional services. This alliance is a big step towards expanding our range of services to new locations across Victoria and Queensland. The partnership is the result of a close professional relationship that we are […]

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April 6, 2022
What should you look for in an internal auditor?

In most public sector jurisdictions, internal audit is a mandatory requirement. There will always be some routine “tick and flick” type audits that will be required from time to time to confirm the adequacy of controls for generic activities. But effective Internal Audit is about so much more than the old “tick and flick”. Ever […]

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April 1, 2022
BREAKING: PCI DSS v4.0 released

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published a new version of the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) on 31st March 2022. The new standard V4.0 provides a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect payment data and will replace version 3.2.1 to help combat emerging threats and technologies. The new requirements […]

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March 10, 2022
Are your fraud and corruption controls fit for purpose?

Over the last few years both State-based and International anti-corruption bodies have been busily dealing with a steady stream of fraud and corruption cases. This has included well-publicised cases involving all levels of Government, as well as organisations across the Not-for-Profit and Private sectors. No industry, occupational group or sector is immune from the threat […]

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February 21, 2022
No more surprises: Key internal audit activities to reduce risks in 2022

We all started last year with high hopes, not realising that it would end up being a virtual repeat of 2020. It's taught us to be a little warier. And so, going into 2022, many organisations are feeling more cautious than optimistic. While hope can push us forward, there is nothing wrong with combining this […]

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January 19, 2022
The disastrous effect of poor CEO behaviour on share price and culture

Last Friday, ABC News carried a story about the Board of building materials maker, James Hardie, dismissing its chief executive, Jack Truong. The Board had conducted “extensive due diligence to provide for a sincere change in Mr Truong’s behaviour”, but employees made further complaints about how he treated them. The company shares lost 4.1% on […]

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